Monday, December 29, 2008

New years Revolutions...

It happens every year, you know, I know it. Every January first everyone decides to make some changes in their lives, ie: People decide that their New Year's Resolution is to loose weight so they go join a gym, two month's later they're still paying on their contract and haven't been there since January 9th.

Let's face it, it's part of human nature to fail on our new year's resolutions, look up the definition of resolution and in regards to how we use for new year's you'll read something along the lines of "a formal expression of opinion or intention made", it's making a decision to change something in your life, and I'm not saying it's a bad thing to do that. To decide to make a change in your life is a great thing, but how's this for an idea, instead of just deciding to make that change... how about ACTUALLY making that change, why not, instead of making a new years resolution, make a New year's Revolution?

Looking up the definition of revolution, and sure you'll find it's a turn, it's also a political coup, but more importantly a revolution is a sudden, radical, or complete change. Isn't that what so many of us need in our lives?

Happy New Years to everyone,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

mac vs. pc 2.0

You know those I'm a mac, i'm a pc commercials? (And visa-versa for the ones that microsoft put out)

yeah well this blows then all away.

on baited breath....

Tomorrow night is our Christmas Eve service at Lifepoint (Chancellor High School Auditorium, 6:30pm), not counting tomorrow itself here's how many hour that has gone into it.

Planning: 50 man hours
Music Preparation: 67.75 man hours
Video/Tech preparation: 16 man hours (est)

And all this before the actual service tomorrow.
133.75 man hours or almost 17 working days of work straight, and like last year this is only counting the actual meeting times, this isn't taking in countless hours that our staff and volunteers have exerted on their own. That number will easily triple tomorrow.


It's simple really.

Tomorrow night people will arrive. Some of them may have been invited by a Lifepoint regular, some might have just seen one of our banner or road signs. some might be on the verge of divorce, some might be about to give up for good, some might be at a church service for the first time in their life, some might be there for the only chance they're giving this thing called church, some might be hurting inside, some may have emotional scars, some may have a terminal disease, many will not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

That is why Lifepoint exists, To reach people far from Christ, so they can experience God's plan for their lives, and that's we we joyfully pour the hours in for a night like tomorrow. Because they Christmas story is truly the joy story for us.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Check this post out!

Mike Harrison has a good post on giving here.

I guess the subject is at the forefront of my mind having just ready the go-giver, which is an awesome book you should read, yes you, right there, the one in front of the monitor. Go out a get a copy, in fact, get two and then give one away!

More posts to follow later.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Reason # 2 why I want an iphone...

because this app just looks to be so much fun for anyone musically inclined.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Does that make it middle aged?

Happy Birthday to the mouse, turns 40 today!

This is more for the Lifepoint staff...

than it is for me, I think between our staff members we have two iphones, and multiple crack.... err black berries, ran across these today and thought they might be neat little apps to have on the phones.

The Bible for iphone
Likewise for the blackberry

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Somehow this is both kind of sad... and not surprising to me in the least... but apparently "Online game World of Warcraft now offers more secure authentication than nearly every online banking system the average consumer can access"

Are you kidding me? All this for a video game? okay I understand how popular and widely used this game is played... I even know there are people who have made millions (literally, it's kind of scary) by playing in game and sell junk via third parties... insane I know... but still, this is a bit much isn't it?

Friday, December 5, 2008


Josh just posted the new bumper for Lifepoint's series for Christmas, Adventus: The coming.

Watch it here

Fresh off lifehacker

I haven't tried all of these yet (though i will be) I can personally vouch for VLC, songbird, Opera, open Office (though I haven't upgraded to version 3 yet) and Picassa

What in the world?

Sorry for the delay in posting, hope you had a safe and happy thanksgiving... stumbled onto this via one of the creative blogs... you know that old expression about artist's suffering?