Monday, February 4, 2008

A blessing, truly

I added everything up, drums, gear bags, gear in bags, extra percussion that was in with the gear in the gear bags, the grand total was 735.86 (Before tax or shipping).

I set it aside, reminding myself that the Lord gives AND takes away. And also reminding myself that all things that happen happen for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. (Because seriously that's 735 bucks that I don't have right now)

I just got off the phone, the sheriff's department found my gear, all of it (including the bags) in an undeveloped area of the neighborhood, (well at least all of the gear I remember being in their) now what good is going to come out of it? I'm not sure yet, (I mean other then getting everything back). Hopefully I had something in my bag about Lifepoint and they'll show up and experience the life change that we see so much of.

I do suppose I have to edit the witty comment I made about the odds of me not getting my stuff back earlier....


Anonymous said...

YaY - I guess the Lord really appreciates that joyful-noise-cymbal-clanging-dance("all together now jump")-thing you do-

All I know is that this past Sunday was the first time I've ever had the drums above "0" on the Avioms(sp) LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

p.s. - just to clear up any misunderstanding - The reason I always have them at "0" is because I can hear you fine without the monitor - your playing itself is awesome - later dude ^5