Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lifepoint Photos from 12.12.10

[[posterous-content:pid___0]]Photos from Lifepoint's Hope series, Worship Team: Pick, Anne, Kevin, Elizabeth, John and John. + Pastor

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Now that the cat is out of the Bag

So while the LC staff was away on their annual staff retreat, I assembled my "Operation Post-it" team and we spent a few hours letting them know how much we appreciated them. The team consisted of [this section removed for security] and myself. This isn't quite everything we did, but... enjoy[[posterous-content:pid___0]]

Posted via email from mfurukawa's posterous

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lifepoint Photos Round 4

I really need a better name for these updates, becuse it's going to get confusing before too long... Thsi is from the last Sunday in our Elevate series, band photos are from sound check, practice and run though, Pastor's photos are from 1st service.

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Photo updates round 3

These were from a week? couple of weeks? (I've lost track of time) from runthrough on Sunday morning. The nice thing about being off, (not drumming) it that I get the spend run through behind the lens instead of behind the drums... not that there's anything wrong with being behind the drums...


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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lifepoint Photos Round 2

Some more photos from Lifepoint.

One of my favorites is a series of photos of Mark who's one of our drummers the first shot is with normal lights, the second photo is with stage lights and the third photo is with our  LEDs on, it's just interesting to see how the background behind him pops out.

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