Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Most of you already know this, but my earlier post was in reference to our administrative and pastor of Worship arts, and here is an update from him.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Recently we were blessed to have one of Pastor's mentors Dr. Early come down to speak to us. (About the subject of spiritual warfare is what he covered at the volunteer meeting). One of the items he mentioned was intercession.

That brought me back, back before Lifepoint was Lifepoint (we were Lighthouse at the time) after the worship set Bill (see previous worship team post) and Lucy (who hosts the small group I attend) would sit in a back room and pray over the service. Lucy is amazing, to borrow a phrase she's someone who can pray down heaven.

When we moved to the new facility it's something that kind of fell away mainly because we didn't have the room setup with an easily accessible back room. However after Dr. Early's talk, it's something we're going to be starting up again. As I was just privileged to witness, there is some serious power in prayer.

I think that Jeremy is coordinating it, when Dr. Early told the story they started with a big buff former military (I think) guy just going up to people and go hey, you're praying with us today. If he can't get volunteers I might ask Jim to do just that for us! Jim's got a Heart for God and the Body of a tank.

Prayer Power...

Somewhere around 11:15 last night I received a call from one of our church staff. Now let me start off by saying I'm an optimistic realist, (IE I always focus on the positive, but I'm not ignorant to the fact that there is a negative), Now almost everyone stored on my cellphone has their own ringtone, (a rash and fiscally irresponsible decision but it's too late now, and it has been useful) so as soon as I heard it I knew something was amiss, I know this person would have waited until the morning for good news so I dove for the phone. He was on the way to MCV in Richmond their baby was having seizures and he asked me to pray and get the word out.

This first thing I did was a very quick prayer, the second was to call my parents, then I got notice that they were being re-routed to Fairfax.

At that point I was mass texting my entire team to ask them to pray.

I got an amazing response back (proving that I'm not the only night-owl on my team) and we got down to business. (And intercession is major business in my opinion)*

Around 11:30 one of the staff came back with this message, "This is spiritual Warfare, use your sword!" I felt rather sheepish for not even considering that, but I grabbed my Bible and flipped to the Psalms. I read, I prayed I meditated, I worshiped, I sang, and I know that there were at least seven other people doing the same (well maybe not the singing). Finally around 12:45, and I have no other way to describe this, but I just felt a peace fall around me and I got up off the floor, closed my bible, and grabbed my ipod to listen to some worship music. Seven minutes later a text arrives letting me know that the seizures have stopped and the little one is resting calmly.

God we thank you for your mercy and grace. I thank you for being my comfort through this, and my strength. We ask for your continued involvement in the protections of this family and this child. Father I cry out for your mercy and ask that you continue to protect our staff at Lifepoint. Thank you for the cross, thank you for the stripes you endured, by which we are healed. In Jesus name.

I ask that anyone who reads this would pray for our staff and their families, for their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual protection. For the work that has begun here, that we would have the courage, the strength and the compassion to do what God has called us to do. That we would live lives obedient to his purpose.

Thank you and God bless.
~Matthew Furukawa

*Sidenote: post to follow.

Monday, April 28, 2008


This time next week I'll be at the Drive Conference with a bunch of Lifepoint's leadership team.

I don't have the entire list but here's who I know (for sure) is (are?) going (other then the pastors).
Me, Ben, David, Clark, Michael... (and Kristen who's meeting us down there). Now, 10 hours in a a car/van/whatever with these guys is going to be... an adventure? a riot? a blast?

Well, trip notwithstanding, I'm excited and can't wait. Really and truly this is gonna be trout. (We'll get it to catch on yet!)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Amazing Team

Before I begin I wanted to let you know that I've been working on this post for the last week and a half (which is also why I haven't posted much lately) it's not easy to condense the amount of verbage that I'd like to use regrading my amazing worship team into something small enough to fit into a blog post.

Philippians 1:3-7
3I thank my God every time I remember you. 4In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
7It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God's grace with me. 8God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.

God's really blessed me to give the chance to work with such a great group of people. As Auditions are coming up in two weeks (edit: 1 week) (edit #2: 2 days) (Edit #3 tomorrow) (edit#4, in less than an hour)I wanted to share a few thoughts on everyone I've worked with for the past 6 months.

Band - You guys are awesome, no matter what I (and/or the creative team) throws at you it's always pulled off in a professional and impeccable manner. Really and Truly guys it's trout (snicker, sorry inside joke)

Vocals - My only complaint is that I haven't had the chance to get to know y'all (hey we're in Virginia, Y'all is an acceptable term) as well as I'd like, and I know that it's mostly my fault, but with your rotation I just don't see most of yous guys (or I guess rather, yous gals and guy) as often. I'll shoot to do something about that this season.

LP Worship Winter 07 / Spring 08 (In P/C acceptable alphabetical order)

Anne - One of our newest Vocal's, and I don't want anyone here misunderstanding me, I knew Anne had a really great voice, and she's absolutely phenomenal when it comes to modeling worship on the stage, but when we did "What if I stumble" by DC talk, she completely blew me away, she was amazing, the song was amazing. Oh and did I mention she play's the guitar?

Bill - I've known Bill longer than anyone else of the praise team with the possible exception of David Gregory (who isn't on the Worship team persay, but he is our technical director and thus in charge of the sound engineering). Bill was my youth pastor many years before Lifepoint, at the time I knew he played Bass. I've since learned that he also plays guitar, keys, mandolin, and probably several other instruments that I'm failing to list here. Not to mention he's the most natural harmonizer I've ever met.

Brandon - One of the guys we started with way back in the day, Brandon doesn't work as much with my team now as he's the worship leader for Lifepoint Downtown and most of his energies go to that campus. He does from time to time rock out with the Main Campus team.

Dave - My bespeckled Keyboardist, Dave's playing has quickly become something I miss on the week's that he has off. He does an awesome job on the keys, in particular I created a loop to play behind a video we did during our Sun Stand Still series, when the video (And it was on a Mac HA!) crashed Dave dove into playing it, and playing it so well that I didn't realize that the audio had crashed with it, yeah, he's that good.

David - I've known David for what seems to be forever. And yes he's always been a geek, for as long as I've known him. But he does know his way around the soundboard, and he never gets aggravated at me even when I'm throwing impossible requests to him. Technically not a member of the worship team persay, David and his team of sound engineers (Which includes, best of my knowledge, himself, Clark, Sheldon, Ricky and Bobby) do a great job making us sound good on Sunday Mornings.

Elizabeth - My Oft mentioned percussionist, who goes as far as to nearly breaking her hands playing. (Now That's Dedication!) Always a good sounding board for some of my more insane ideas, (and does not hesitate to let me know) and probably the biggest TSO fan that I know.

Hanah - Our occasional Celloist. While we don't do many songs that have need for the cello it's always amazing when we do have a piece and Hannah joins us.

Jason - Our new drummer, with a ton of potential, and to help tap that I'll be handing over the reigns as a worship drummer for a month or so to him in a couple weeks. (Actually next week now that I think about it). He does an amazing job with a click track, especially when until now he's never used them before.

Jeremy - My Boss? Working with Jeremy can be a wild (if not fun) ride at times... however riding with Jeremy can be both a faith-builder and an exercise in "Praying without Ceasing" (I kid, sort of). One of the biggest hearts for worship that I know, and yes he can indeed play like Clapton when the need arises.

Jessica - The only other person who's been on the team when we were God's Gang ministries a small group of over 18 yr olds who were tired of seeing our generation drop out of church. I've watched her grow vocally over the years and have enjoyed working with her (both on stage and occasionally with some improv comedy that I got drafted into).

Justin - Our newest addition, Justin joined us a couple weeks ago as a fill-in and he's got skillz (yo!) Play's blue guitar like all get out and does a great job, I look forward to being able to say more about him after next season.

Kimberli - One of our vocals, aka the CD Czar(ess?) Who is unfortunately (for me anyway) taking a sabbatical to work with her Husband Ben (who's in charge of Kidspoint the children's ministry at Lifepoint), when it comes to ear training she's a natural, (at least near as I can tell anyway) and both Jeremy and I have learned not to bother arguing with her when she says we're playing something off from how it's on the cd, 9 out of 10 (Really more like 99 out of 100) times she's right.

Kristen - Who is actually out production manager and not a member of my team, but she runs the show on Sunday morning... Runs the show I make it sound like a theatrical production, and in a lot of ways the work that we put into a Sunday morning worship service resembles the work that goes into a production, the difference is that we're not just out to keep people entertained we aim to change lives by taking people who are far from God and letting them experience God's plan for their lives through the Saving grace of Jesus... Sorry I was talking about Kristen not preaching, though her passion for God is about the same as that, she's awesome to work with, and gets the most amazing teas....

Leigh - Our other new vocalist, I have a confession to make, when I met Leigh at last years try-out and found out she had a choir-us (?) background I was mentally thinking, oh great... HOWEVER, once she got up and sang I was more like, oh Sweet! Yup had to eat crow (at least mentally). Leigh's been a great addition to the team, and get this she helped at Christmas eve service the entire prep time just to throw oh her greens, (err blues?) and head to the hospital (she's a nurse).

Mia - One of the most fun people that I know is "Mama Mia" (rather appropriate now that she and Josh have little Caedmon) She also has one of the most amazing voices I've ever heard. Seriously she and Tammie should cut a record.

Ronnie - When we ran auditions the first time I was desperate for another guitarist. I wanted to be able to put 2 electric guitars on stage on any given Sunday. Ronnie wasn't able to make tryout due to a scheduling conflict. Instead he hands Jeremy a Cd, a week (I think) later we met with him and were wowed.

Tammie - My Vocal director, (and our Pastor's wife) who along with being an incredible pianist is also blessed with an amazing voice. (See Mia's post above).

Tom - aka the voice, When I first met Tom he had long hair, Sandals and an amazing voice. Now he has much shorter hair, bright orange accented sneakers (at least at yesterday's practice), the amazing voice hasn't changed though. Neither has his heart or passion for worship.

Friday, April 18, 2008


A friend of mine just emailed this to me,

Check this out...

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a

rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool!

And yes I could read that.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Can't wait

Lifepoint Auditions are a week and a half away and I can't wait.

The last time we did this we get a slew of talented worship-oriented people.... which reminds me... (post to follow)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

And now for something completely different...

Have I mentioned I love my small group? Great bunch of people, one in particular shares a love of British comedy with me.

I found this article early this morning, and something about it screams "Monty Python Skit" maybe something out of MPQFTHG.

Reading the article I'm somewhat impressed, there's a story in this, a much longer and better one then the AP gave him, (Sorry it was Reuters not AP) but I'll wager there's also one of those feel good family movies in this story as well.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So where have YOU been in the last 8 days?

For me I've been editing some audio clips for a little project, going through music to pick a couple songs for the worship auditions coming up, planning set lists for the worship team, checking out our (Lifepoint) new office and generally staying very busy. (including three nice draft blog posts that aren't up to my publish standards).

I haven't even had a chance to write out a real set of music notes to my amazing team (for shame)!

Also doing a fair amount of reading lately, several books (yes I read more than one book at a time, you point?) but one in particular is "The Houdini Solution" that Pick has his team (myself included) reading. And I'm arguing with a book... sad yes but I am indeed that much of a geek to sit read and argue with a book.

Really and Truly (smirk if you get the reference) I like the book, but I'm arguing the semantics of phraseology and the real meaning of a known saying.

Had it been my book I would at least have had the decency to sub-title it:

Thinking outside the box by thinking inside the box.

Confused yet? Well get a copy and read it for yourself... or ask to borrow mine in a few weeks, heck if you can wait mine will be hi-lighted and annotated... mind your some of said annotation will probably be me arguing with the book, but is that such a bad thing? (don't answer that).

Finally I've been drumming. One thing nice about my new place (aside from the fact that we now finally have a working stable internet connection) is that we've got a drumset. Well, we had a drumset. Once I got my hands on it I turned it into a DRUM SET!!! (insert loud echo-y effects and dramatic fanfares). My only sadness regarding it is that I ran out of cymbal stands before I ran out of cymbals, (And I'm sure everyone who knows my set up is rolling their eyes about now).

The set up?

13.5" pic. Snare
10" Popcorn Snare
8" Gretsch Tom
10" Gretsch Tom
12" Pearl Tom
14" Pearl Floor Tom
Standard 22?/24? (I honestly don't remember) pearl kick
The gretsch's I nabbed on ebay, the pic and pop are both Pacific (by DW) from Guitar Center and the Pearl pieces are part of the original kit that I Frankenstein-ed. I'm using Remo Pinstripes (Mainly because GC didn't have any of the fiber-skin heads that I really like) but I'm very pleased with the sound quality that I get out of them.

Finally the Cymbals. LOTS of cymbals, of which standard configuration changes on an almost daily basis depending on which ones I feel like playing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I live!

I'm back?

Well kind of, after three hours of geeking yesterday I finally got out internet connection to work.

Sort of.

For some reason every hour/few hours the connection resets and the only thing that seems to work is for me to physically reset the cable modem (ie pull out the power cable).

Anyone know a work-around for this?

Freecell, my new best friend....

Honestly and truly I've always been a freecell addict.

And with a limited repertoire of games for my computer that DON'T need an internet connection to run I've had a chance to get re-acquainted with this little time sucker of a game.

Yes, the guy from Comcast came by last night and installed our cable modem, however the stupid thing doesn't seem to want to activate, (I'll be on the phone when I get home tonight) with them trying to get them to activate it.

If not they couldn't get anyone over there until thursday.

So until then it looks like freecell for me.

*(Disclaimer: The author of this post actually has several games he can play on his computer OTHER than freecell, so don't be pitting him or nothing).
