Thursday, January 29, 2009


Pulled this from Worship Trench this morning,

Monday, January 26, 2009


Something we did at Lifepoint Yesterday, the people who participated (as they do so) are posting their stories here, check it out.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Planning Center Tutorial 1 of ?

If you use Planning center here's a quick tutorial on how to block out days you won't be available.

How to Block out dates in Planning Center from Matthew Furukawa on Vimeo.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Watch for...

These web-services are on my use/try to get others to use/next big thing

General Productivity
Google Reader: My choice for an RSS reader, it's simple, it's mobile, (Ie you log into your google account and can access it from anywhere), it handles the several hundred different blogs I'm subscribed too (no i don't read every article every day) very efficiently.

Twitter: Is there anyone out there who reads blogs who hasn't heard of twitter yet? A "microblogging" service, also great for updating status on facebook and others.

Yammer: Picture if you will, a microblogging service, (ala twitter) that's built for a private network, a place where team members in various areas can post questions and comments about current and upcoming events, to other team members. Well it's here and it's called yammer, private networks are setup by email addresses, ie yourname(at) , it also works with sms (text) or web posting (just like twitter).

Tokbok: I first found out about tokbox from Los's (Ragamuffin Soul)'s blog It's a live video chat service which can have multiple people video conferencing at once, plus, you can record and send video emails.

Facebook: Facebook social networking? maybe, but one thing that it's done (and done well) is put me back in touch with people from my school days (cough cough) years ago.

Fun stuff
Audiorium: THIS is the freeware physics game to watch for in my opinion, beautifully scored and rendered, and interesting to play, i'm waiting for them to release a soundtrack, I think the audio draws me in more then the actual gameplay at times...

More Cowbell Dj: Remember the Saturday night live sketch? Well so do the guys at cowbell dj, put a song up mess with a couple of sliders, and doink, your very own need more cowbell.

Generatus: Officially billed as "Social Network Status Generator" with the Tag, (Ideal for the imaginatively challenged), You've got to love something that automatically comes up with "Matt does for rock and roll what "The Sound of Music" did for hills"

Image Mosaic Generator: You've seen those pictures of something made up of thousand of tiny little images right? same concept upload a picture and it does the rest, it does choose it's own images to create yours from so that can end up being rather random but it's still a neat effect.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Random posts with commentary...

Well when I first saw this, i hadn't realized that it was ONN and not CNN, which led to some confusion and later laughs. Though one line they have in there is true, "I'll buy almost anything if it's shiny and made by apple" as i'm surrounded by mac users at LC (And no, I'm not a mac hater)...

Forget Napster, of Kazaa, or whatever it is that they're going after these days, the mpaa and riaa need to go after China, and they're not the only ones! Copyrights (and human rights if you really want to get right down to it) violations are rampant in the worlds most populous nation.

Pastor Furtick from Elevation Church nails something that I'm still working on in this post.

Pete Wilson from Crosspoint posted a link to THIS post, which i found to be very insightful.

And speaking of insightful Perry Noble from Newspring has a three part post on what the Church can learn from the Auto industry Here, here and here.

Ben Arment hits a point on getin creative here.

Craig Groeschel of lifechurch has an amazing (if short) post here, reminding us hat it takes all kinds for the body... but my favorite line from his post is
He can use Baptist Christians, Methodist Christians, Episcopal Christians, and Spirit-filled tongue talking Holy Ghost rollin’ Christians
I'm actually working on a separate post in which I'll reference Craig's post, but for now,

Saturday, January 10, 2009


No, not Vacation Bible, not Visual Basic either.... but Volunteer Banquet, last night was Lifepoint's first annual Volunteer Banquet it was an amazing time, the staff went all out in showing their appreciation for the volunteer and volunteer staff of the church. Guest speaker Jonathon Falwell gave a great talk, Birch and Z our guest musicians from Christ Fellowship in Miami were awesome, and the food!

If you volunteer at Lifepoint I hope you felt as appreciated as I did, and if you're a staffer, thanks for an amazing night!

... and I'm off tomorrow I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself! And speaking of tomorrow, you do NOT want to miss tomorrow morning's worship set, and that's all I'm going to say on the matter.