Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Geek Talk....

That's right this post is for people who aren't afraid to admit their geeks!
(And yes you apple fan-boys, you're included by default in this)... for that matter if you even reading blogs to begin with chances are you're a geek... (hmmmm that gives me ideas for a Jeff Foxworthy-ish post "You might be a geek if...")

So anyways here's a few interesting geek stories that I've found and decided to share with you, that's right you, the one sitting down over there reading this

So yeah I'd like an iphone but... these are just cool... way cool imagine a world where people go from talking on their cellphone to playing in a Jazz (insert world relevant to the number of people around you) in seconds! And it's not just limited to jazz, (though that was the first thought that popped into my mind).

So this is something right out of a movie... and while it's cool it's also kind of creepy. So move aside pixar Emily's kung-fu is stronger than yours. Watch the video in the link, it's got to be seen to be believed.

Finally putting that road space to good use... Of course then you run into the problem of what to do during a cloudy day... But sure no one wants to hear MY theories of a magnetic induction generator, though there is the problem of needing a ten jigawatt flux capacitor...

Though speaking of roads reminds me that I still need to get a new gps unit... Oh look here's one, how convenient and... KIT is that you? wow GPS AND a slice of my childhood all wrapped up in one convienent package. Directions to anywhere even Beijing...

And speaking of Beijing, unless you live under a rock I'm sure you know that the Olympics are going on right now. Well apparently even up in the Satelite Of Love they're aware of what's going on....

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