Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Random posts with commentary...

Well when I first saw this, i hadn't realized that it was ONN and not CNN, which led to some confusion and later laughs. Though one line they have in there is true, "I'll buy almost anything if it's shiny and made by apple" as i'm surrounded by mac users at LC (And no, I'm not a mac hater)...

Forget Napster, of Kazaa, or whatever it is that they're going after these days, the mpaa and riaa need to go after China, and they're not the only ones! Copyrights (and human rights if you really want to get right down to it) violations are rampant in the worlds most populous nation.

Pastor Furtick from Elevation Church nails something that I'm still working on in this post.

Pete Wilson from Crosspoint posted a link to THIS post, which i found to be very insightful.

And speaking of insightful Perry Noble from Newspring has a three part post on what the Church can learn from the Auto industry Here, here and here.

Ben Arment hits a point on getin creative here.

Craig Groeschel of lifechurch has an amazing (if short) post here, reminding us hat it takes all kinds for the body... but my favorite line from his post is
He can use Baptist Christians, Methodist Christians, Episcopal Christians, and Spirit-filled tongue talking Holy Ghost rollin’ Christians
I'm actually working on a separate post in which I'll reference Craig's post, but for now,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link love!