Friday, July 11, 2008

What The Heck?

Okay so I was checking DLS's blog earlier and ran across this article...

Now let me start by saying that I consider myself a geek, and I happen to like Ubuntu, which in my opinion has done an amazing job bringing linux to the general home user. but I had to blink at this.

Okay if you don't want to read the full article here's the lowdown, Ubuntu is a Linux operating system available free, (And if you ever read the open source disclaimers they almost add this clarifying statement, as in free beer) as a download, or as a mailed cd (don't expect one for ages though, it takes a while). So Best Buy is now offering it for sale as an operating system for about 20 bucks (as in dollars, not what gives you a fever(as in buck fever, not a reference to more cowbell) or the verb consisting of a throwing action), ok if you want to get technical they're charging 19.99, but really, it's 20 bucks.

Now I understand that this will bring more exposure to a linux operating system (A good thing in my books) but 20 bucks for something you can get for free? Heck I know of a couple cases where people mailed Ubuntu distro Cd's to a few of our fighting men in Iraq who didn't have the ability to download it, so the paid version gets you 60 days of customer support, but the community is such that there are a ton of users who would help you out for free... so is this a good thing or not? I don't know, yet.

If it gets more program (beyond open source, which is a whole other story) support I'd weigh it in as a good thing, I'm just curious who's going to be buying these.

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