Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lessons learned...

Well Weds. night (last week) the worship team (well, most of us) were at Camile's (And I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong) for the FCA powercamp concert...

And we learned a lot.

1) We learned that when fudi (aka me) is frustrated/aggravated/and annoyed my normally, extremely (is that pushing it?) consistent tempo goes out the window, (though in my defense with absolutely no monitors I was kind of guessing what the tempo Jeremy set was anyway).

2) We learned that when planning a worship set for an outdoor event do one of the following.
Either A) Pick songs that don't have click tracks/loops
or B) Have a backup set list in case your click tracks/loops won't run on your sound system.

3) We learned that even under extremely adverse technological conditions, when it comes to Worship our God is ALWAYS good.

4) I learned that playing in live events like that while they can be extremely frustrating are very fun!

5) I learned that after being out in the heat and performing, water, no matter how hot it's been after sitting in my trunk taste great!

6) I learned not to leave my wallet on my desk. (oops!)

7) I learned that I can climb around like Willy when I need to dig a keyboard out of the back of our box truck.

8) I learned that I work with an amazing group of people who'll rock it out, even when they don't have a clue what's going on (as we changed set lists on the fly).

9) I learned that O'Charlies (sp?) has amazing bread, (of course the fact that I was about starving might have something to do with it.)

10) I learned that I can cram an entire drumset into my alero, (including kick, toms, snare, cymbals and hardware!)

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