Friday, May 2, 2008

Open the box...

So the title of the post really has two meanings. In our Volunteer Team meetings Jeremy's got us reading the (In my humble... no scratch that in this case, in my wildly unapologetic overinflated opinion, at least in this case...) Book the Houdini Solution, thinking INSIDE the box.

As he, or anyone else who's a part of this meeting will tell you I've been fighting this book from day one. It's not to say that I haven't come away with a lot of information, it's just something about the book rubs me the wrong way... and as the team knows I will argue the semantics of how the book is subtitled until they want to strangle me.

Actually I've started to use the book in creative planning, instead of responding negatively to an idea... or arguing it and pounding the table as we have been instructed to do I just whip out my copy of the book and bang THAT on the table.

Really and truly though I HAVE taken away some good ideas from the book so it hasn't been for naught but I don't know... I'll post more when I get a bit further in it.

Now the REAL reason for this post (congrats for sticking around long enough to get to this point, I could make a sarcastic yet witty jab about your needing a life (all in love though, really and truly!), but then I'm the one writing this so I have no room to talk now do I?) oh did I type that out loud?

AHEM. Back to the point. Pandora. (as in Pandora's box) No NOT the Greek Mythological figure, although that is the reference for the post title, no I'm talking about the website. I've managed to get two people (At least two that I'm aware of) addicted to it so I'm going for more.

What is it? Well to put it basically it's online radio station that where YOU create your own radio station. Just try it. You know the old saying "What do you have on your ipod?" well try "What stations do you have programmed on your Pandora?"

And while I'm on the subject of addicting online radio, I've found this little gem a while ago, not as... effective? (In my now humble opinion) as Pandora at song selection it's fun to play around with, and it does have a nice selection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pandora is awesome thanks brother.
Check out mine if you would like @ Life on Point Radio.