Monday, May 12, 2008

Tweaking Windows...

While You're still waiting for the rest of the posts regarding Drive I thought I'd be a geek for a minute.

I have a sad confession to make... I'm not a mac fan, I know this puts me on the minority of Lifepoint Staff as all of them would be mac fan-boys, but I'm a geek and I love getting into the guts of a machine (both hardware and software) and let's face it Mac's don't like you doing that. I can't go and order a new video card, and over clock a processor on a mac... at least I don't think you can. I'll have to ask our resident mac users at todays meeting.

But I'll be the first to admit that some of the things that the MAC os does is pretty cool. Thankfully there are a lot of geeks out there who know their code and have re-created (at least to a degree) some of the cook things that the mac's have. Here's a few of the tweaks (more than just the mac ones) that I run on my pc(s).

Xneat - This nifty little program lets you modify the windows environment, including transparency, window level (ie on top) and a bunch of other little tweaks.
Blogger: The Beat of a Different Drummer - Edit Post "Tweaking Windows..."
Launchy - a long time favorite it's a keyboard program launcher (ie you type it shows up and then launches the program, especially nice on my notebook as I'm not a huge fan of that little touch-pad thing.

DExposE2 - Basically a copy of Expose from the MAC os, it's a nice program switcher that I occasionally use, but like for the simple reason that it looks really cool.

Watch Cat (no link, sorry) - Another Windows environment modifier what I like is that with a couple keystrokes I can hide my taskbar and all my desktop shortcuts, (Mainly becuase I'm OCD about having a clean desktop environment)unfortunetly it's not (yet) Vista compatible so I haven't tried it on my labtop.

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