Monday, May 5, 2008

What a Day!

I'm not sure if words can describe the amazing day I've had today.

To start off we baptized 61 people this morning. And we only had 17 scheduled. How? Well I could explain but I'm going to guess that Pastor Daniel's blog will have much more information about it in a day or so. I'll link over to there once we get to that point.

Two of those people were members of my team! And another one is from our downtown leadership team! I was helping out backstage so I got to see all of them! For me it was really emotional, I wanted to cry in joy!

Earlier this year I posted about a talk that Pastor gave us about having the vessels for oil.

Well this morning was a God thing, we had 51 sets of clothing prepared for, and when we had 24 people respond first service we were scrambling to get stuff dry and reset for second service.

We used all 51 sets of prepared clothing and not a single person had to "double up" and used a previously used set! How awesome is our God. I'm throughly convinced that if we had 52 sets of clothing there would have been 62 baptisms, he had us prepare the vessels and provided the oil until we ran out!

And our downtown campus praise team led worship this morning and did an awesome job!

So this morning was amazing, then following the service I climbed into a van and we drove 10(ish) hours to Atlanta which is now where I'm posting from.

Had crawfish and gator tail for dinner!

I know that Josh is doing a blogumentary from Drive and I'll be posting regular updates myself. Actually as all of us who blog (Pastor, Pick, Josh and Myself) are all down here and all have our labtops I'll wager all of us will be updating.

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